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Thursday, January 6, 2011

The Butterfly Effect -Wing Therapy™ by: B.B. Berg

The Butterfly Effect
Most people have heard about the metaphor of the Butterfly effect

 In a very simplified explanation, this metaphor says that the wing movements of a butterfly,a seemingly small thing,
 could set off large movements in variations of weather like a tornadoe halfway around the world.

Our day to day activities and thoughts do affect the entire world.

Each time we win in our lives and feel the fulfillment of joy,happiness and appreciation we encourage everyone on this planet!

We are significant.

Our victories are important.
No not only important but crucial.

Each time I want to react to a situation with anger or an old lower vibrational pattern of mine ,I now stop and think....
How much good is this really contributing to myself,to the situation and to the world?
If I can react in a different way,a postive way, a higher vibrational way, in just this one second,I can not only change my life but affect a change in the entire world around me.

Tonight is my first Wing Therapy class here in Las Vegas.
My dream is to get us butterflys flapping with such joy and laughter
We wil not only affect Downtown Las Vegas but the entire planet.
Here's to fun!
Here's to self esteem!
Here's to the joy of music and dance!

1 comment:

  1. BB,
    Your wings look beautiful (as do you).
    Annie uses her butterfly wings with the kids with brain tumors... it gives them some wonderful memories. Here's a clip -
